Friday, March 22, 2013

The X Roommate Cool Special

Hey to all you cool people out there who take the time to listen to our dumbasses.  We hope you like our new episode “The X Roommate Cool Special,” because we here at CAST all think it is way cool.  Why way cool you ask?  Well, for starters we have guest CASTers Natan Ovadia and Jose Garcia joining the veterans Brandon and Justin.  All of us are connected by living situations and we delve into the deep and dark topic of x roommates.  Topics include: stories involving vomit, brussels sprouts, palindromes, 4D printing, comedy, and BOB the waitress.  You aren't going to want to miss this, so grab your favorite brew and hit that play button.  

Download link

Friday, March 8, 2013

The CAST does the Harlem Shake

Hey to the three hardcore fans we have and to the numerous Emmanuel Baja fans tuning in for a listen!  We are excited here at the CAST headquarters because this is our Comedy Special!  Brandon and Justin welcome for the first time the one and only Baja. We will discuss the local comedy scene, current events and man boobs.  See below for all the required links a bored man definitely should check out!