Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Episode 9 – Electric Vehicles – Ricin Watch Edition

Hey guys! So, in lieu of a Breaking Bad retrospective podcast we're giving you something better. Go ahead, press play, and find out what could be better right now!  On this episode, Justin and Brandon discuss the CAST history, and give you an archived episode of the CAST.  We wanted to show you what we do and how you can stay in touch with us.

Don’t despair.  WE WILL DO MORE BREAKING BAD PODCASTS.  Six more podcasts in fact!  Our new goal is to do one podcast a season (two for the 5th season).  Listen for more details.
In the meantime:

Download link

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Episode 8 - Ricin Finale - Breaking Bad

Listeners, hello.  Yeah it's done.  It's gone, it's all gone.  How are you feeling?  Kind of under the weather, like you've got the flu?  That would be the Breaking Bad Finale you watched.  It's over listeners. Well, Goodbye.

Wait, it's not goodbye yet!  We will be recording more and more podcasts. Don't worry.  The CAST will not go away, even though our favorite show has.  So click listen and enjoy.

Download link